3000 men who build the Chase Manhattan Bank in NYC pose for a photo near the end of constructional work on August 1964.
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3000 men who build the Chase Manhattan Bank in NYC pose for a photo near the end of constructional work on August 1964.
View Reddit by doug-demuro-is-daddy – View Source
3000 living builders…..
I doubt that’s near the end of construction, looks like just all the slab is done. The fun part is when you do all the mechanical and interior stuff. Especially building a safe.
Near the end… We don’t need no stinking walls
I wonder how much the labor cost to get this picture IRL. Today, they would do it with CGI.
I wonder if any of them could point themselves out on that photo.
*Wait, did anyone do the rivets for the tenth floor?*
Looks like a bigger crowd than Trump’s inauguration!
This is what you would want to be seeing in Katar with the workers who built the stadiums 🏟. Instead…