3 weeks Post mastectomy with reconstruction
View Reddit by Average_Jane2614 – View Source
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3 weeks Post mastectomy with reconstruction
View Reddit by Average_Jane2614 – View Source
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Heal well 💚
You look beautiful!
That smile speaks volumes.
Nice tits!
Congratulations!! Wishing you the absolute best and a smooth recovery!
Can I ask if it was implant based of autologous recon?
You look fantastic!
PS No way are you 49.
Hot mama!🔥
Congrats. My wife chose the flap surgery. What a brutal recovery. Hope yours was not too bad.
You look great!
I can’t stop staring… at the wallpaper. Like, somebody from my childhood has this wallpaper and I can’t remember where I’ve seen it.
awesome hair, smile rocks too!!
Congratulations and well wishes for continued good health!
Your face is itself your masectomy..why waste money on the surgery?
Belongs in r/happy
Congrats on being brave, beautiful and beating cancer!
well that’s not showing off much. Great smile though. Waiting for better photography though
You look amazing! That must have been a tough 3 weeks; I hope your doing better!
Heal well! Awesome smile!
Plaid hides.
Wishing you the best!! ❤
You look fantastic! I work in plastics/reconstruction and see DIEP flap patients daily. It is a tough recovery but you are doing amazing. The drains are the worst!!
Woooow gorgeous
Obligatory FUCK CANCER
You look incredibly happy and relaxed in this photo. That’s the most important thing. Stay well.
You look absolutely beautiful 🤗
I see only a wonderful smile. Its contagious 🙂
Please give my regards to the surgeon on a job VERY well done.
Congratulations! My wife had uterine cancer back in 2012 which scared me to death. She beat it. Our regards to another survivor.
Nothing average about Jane.
Beautiful smile!
I’m happy that you’re happy. Something like that would mess with my head a bit!
Looking great!!
What a beautiful smile!
The new boobs are great! But that smile is stellar!
Nice rack. Stay healthy.
I swear a restaurant I used to work at had this wallpaper in some of their bathrooms.
Cancer is a bitch…. Stepmoms grandma had breast cancer and died. Her mom had it and died. Stepmom got it and lived. Now her daughter has on/off again brain cancer.
That smile matters 💕
Looking good!
My wife is currently a bit more than half way through chemo. Pretty sure she’s going to do exactly the same thing in the new year just to ensure this is behind her.
F@#k Cancer.