Sunday, August 25All That Matters

26 years of NPC animation.

26 years of NPC animation.

26 years of NPC animation.

26 years of NPC animation. from gaming

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  • bigchonkyyoda

    the game world is empty and the graphics need a ton of work, but I can’t say I am bothered in the slightest by these two dudes. You’re supposed to see them for two second when you run by, not stare at them all day

  • Truniq

    I really wish that Machop would finish this a king that land and evolve into a Machoke and the old man got his house built and he offers to trade you his Machoke for something else he needs lol.

  • SnowheadStudios

    I’m 25 now. As a kid I remember reading that he was building something but needed the land flat, so I’d walk around trying to help him. I’d put Onix at the front of my party because I knew Onix was heavy. I’d try to use dig on certain spots too. Mindless fun.

  • ethman14

    I mean…they couldn’t at least give it an ever so slight breathing animation? He could be T-posing up there he’s so still.

  • Fskn

    So Arceus is a bit of a letdown in many ways but I have to say it’s a great step in the right direction in terms of mechanics, I’m really liking the focus on different ways to interact with the actual pokemon.

  • Peyroi

    Stop giving pokemon games attention. Pokemon is the single highest grosing IP of all time. They have made more money off pokemon than any other IP in history. Why is it that this the second game looks like it could have been made 10 years ago? Game freak and Nintendo refuse to make anything up to date and just expect people like you to gobble up their bullshit they put no effort into. Pokemon has made more money than Starwars, Micky mouse, mario and hello kitty. WHY DO THEIR PRODUCTS SUCK SO BAD!!! They have more money than could spend than literally anyone else in the business and what do we get for it?

    A few sparse trees and smooth one color grass and dirt.

  • Panaroja

    You literally have a proof in this thread that there are idle animations in old 2D Pokémon games.

    Changing 20+ years old formula should not be sole reason to give the highest grossing series a free pass and 10/10 across the board

  • MyStationIsAbandoned

    I’ve seen people playing this game, it looks okay when you’re just playing and not stopping to notice all the cheap stuff that you’d expect out of a PS1 game because of limitations.

    I feel like, if they had a another year, they could have added some more polish.

  • RandoAussieBloke

    Frustrating thing about this is, Ocarina of Time has a similar work-in-progress, with carpenters visibly rushing around and trying to get stuff.

    It’s not much, just jogging back and forth, but it’s a hell of a lot livelier than this.

    Dude on top could have even just, like…jog forward, place plank down, go back, spawn new plank, repeat.

    The maddening part is, much as people love to harp on about Pokemon being “the biggest media ever”, the games aren’t the majority of sales – compared to merch and even the anime, they’re only a quarter or so and TPC demands yearly releases to stay relevant.

    So, even if Game Freak wanted to do more to polish it, The Pokemon Company makes them chuck it out under crunch anyway.

    It’s the same deal like what happened to Mitsubishi – car sales made a tiny percent of profits, and now Mitsubishi cares more about their fridges and air-conditioning than they care about their cars – hence they don’t look at making anything sporty or experimental, because it’s simply not worth it to the higher ups.

  • stoneluxplayer

    Idk if it’s a unpopular opinion but imo Pokémon has never really be good. Sure the GB OG were dope and my first Gameboy game was the yellow edition which I played probably 1000 hours as a kid. Crystal/gold was also nice because you could revisit Kanto for a god damn effect ( granted you haven’t been spoiled before but internet was still new and most people played it without knowing that you visit the original region again ).

    After this the games become so boring ( at least to me ) and simply not challenging at all. The “riddles” could be solved by a toddler, the difficulty curve was a not moving line ( most of the time you use one, maybe 2 but rarely 3 Pokémon overall ).

    I have yet to see a Pokémon game where my Pokémon wasn’t immensely overleveled to my opponents

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