2000s N64 exclusive Turok 3 released today on all platforms – the first Nightdive title on new KEX is a labor of love
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2000s N64 exclusive Turok 3 released today on all platforms – the first Nightdive title on new KEX is a labor of love
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Played the hell out of this and GoldenEye with my brothers and cousins, this game creeped me the fuck out lol
He’s not even fighting dinosaurs at this point
Mad respect to Nightdive for keeping these classic FPS gems alive.
There’s still interest in retro revival!
Too bad, the port is singleplayer only. I fondly remember the chaotic multiplayer. It was one of the best multiplayer shooters on the console.
I’m sure it’s extremely high quality, like all of the other ports from this studio, but that’s definitely a major omission. Even just local multiplayer would have been highly appreciated.
I can’t stand fov in Turok games. I don’t understand why they insisted on such small Fov. I don’t remember how many times I tried to play the first one on PC and each time I had to turn it off after a few minutes.
Even to this day, I still remember the cutscene at the beginning. With the Oblvion creatures creeping up the stairs, into Turok’s bed while he’s sleeping.
Turok just whips out a shotgun. “You’re too loud.” BAM!
8 year old me thought that was the most bad-ass thing in the world.
SIDE NOTE: I would absolutely LOVE it if they rebooted the Turok franchise in the same vein as the DOOM reboot.
Please do rage wars!
Seeds of Evil was amazing. Never played the third!
Cerebral Bore is still my favorite weapon name of all time
Ewwww early 3d console FPS. Gross.