Monday, August 26All That Matters

$200 and it doesn’t even come with a physical disk

$200 and it doesn’t even come with a physical disk

$200 and it doesn’t even come with a physical disk

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  • EasyHeron

    Almost definitely because of all the chumps who bought a digital PS5. They can’t give you both a code and a disc, and they aren’t going to stock two different versions of the same edition.

  • InsomniaticWanderer

    It wouldn’t matter. Almost every disc these days is just a key that allows you to download the game anyway.

    Which means that even if you had the disk, if the servers go down you can’t play it.

    It’s bullshit.

  • morebass

    It literally says in the description that it’s digital and it says it on the giant images for the product that it’s digital and the game is listed under the downloadable content and the image of the game says digital. Idk how much more they had to spell it out for you.

  • SuspiciousSquid94

    Not sure why everyone hates on this. People buy the collectors edition for the other items and there IS a disc version of the game for sale.

    So for a higher price they provide you with a collectors case for a disc they didn’t provide and put collectors in a position where they have to buy an additional copy if they also want the disc, which most collectors do.

    That’s bullshit if you ask me.

  • PuzzleCustard

    When you’re spending that amount of money on something you gotta make sure you’re getting what you want. It fucking sucks that they do this but in the end it’s on you to make sure you’re getting the product you want, even if they go out of their way to fool you.

  • ItsBigSoda

    I get that it said that it doesn’t come with a disc, so in this instance you shouldn’t expect one. But I just don’t understand why people in the comments are defending the practice. It’s a physical steel book. Kinda makes sense that you would be able to collect the *actual* game as well as the other things.

  • Sorripto

    The promotional material made it very clear the PS4 and PS5 versions were digital and the steel book was a collector’s case. I’m sorry you’re bothered, but you were warned.

  • DTWDjag

    I think those sets are awesome but I also feel like getting the Special Edition today was perfect. Nice little art book, some DLC, and a sick looking steel book with an actual PS5 disc! One of the most exciting purchases I’ve made in a while 🙂

  • _Spektr_

    OP, we both know you’ll continue to pay out the ass for special editions, and you’ll keep complaining about not getting a disc, and you keep buying their shit, and keep complaining, and keep buying, and keep complaining, buy, complain, *full penetration*, buy and complain.

    That’s all you fucking people do. It’s insanity.

  • Kinfin

    Remember the days where all you had to do was put a disc into the system and you could instantly start playing, and if your system broke, you could just unplug a hot swappable RW Memory and plug it into a new system and you could pick up right where you left off? I miss those days. Games were properly play tested and thoroughly bug checked, you wouldn’t be expected to pay for the game a second time when the creators came up with a new 3 hours of gameplay, it was easy to share with your friends. Those were the golden days. Everything today is fancy as hell but bogged down by so much red tape.

  • TheRookieBuilder

    Is this a trend as of late? I’ve noticed some games were being sold as ‘physical’ copies, but when you open the box, it’s empty or contains something masquerading as a disk. Saw photos of Fallout 76 doing the latter, and now this. BF4’s premium was also in a CD Case, but it was really just a literal sheet of paper with the code on.

    There was even a time when I was in a game store, and when the customer was asking the store to check the disc for scratches, the store literally said that it has no discs in it. The customer was absolutely confused, as he paid for the Steelbook which HAD no disc.

  • DeathBelowTheCinema

    I bought this as well and was under the assumption it would come with a physical disc as every other collectors edition of a game I have ever purchased has. Granted I am at fault for not reading the fine print but still seems pretty silly to include a steel case and no game.

  • Chichiryuutei

    Don’t buy then you wouldn’t have this problem. I saw Halo Reach legendary figurines at best buy 6 months after release for like $30. If we learn to stop this bs we’ll actually get decent figurines + games

  • fallendiscrete

    The image wasn’t loading for me and I read the title without seeing what sub this was posted in, no lie thought this was someone shitosting Kanye’s new album gadget for $200 haha

  • CiraKazanari

    While you’ve rightfully been pointed out as “the one who paid money for this”, it’s still real silly how it comes with an empty blu ray case. That just straight up is wasteful. Include the fuckin disk, Sony.

  • Leukemia_Skywalker51

    Don’t they come with a copy in the normal case? A few of the games I bought that come with steelbook were like that.

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