(1993) Josef Goebbels, a high-ranking Nazi, looks at the photographer after learning he is Jewish.
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(1993) Josef Goebbels, a high-ranking Nazi, looks at the photographer after learning he is Jewish.
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Wikipedia – Paul Joseph Goebbels was a German Nazi politician who was the Gauleiter of Berlin, chief propagandist for the Nazi Party, and then Reich Minister of Propaganda from 1933 to 1945.
This was definitely not taken in 1993 lol
Rather 1939 than 1993.
Proof the Nazis did perfect cloning 🤣
He was a gimp..
This really feels like a fake caption
The first time I read this title I thought Goebbels just learned of his Jewish heritage.
I doubt it
1993 eh? He’s looking….healthy?
1993 ? Who took the photo ? Marty McFly !
The photo is called the Eyes of Hate, and was actually taken in at the League of Nations in Geneva in 1933 by [Alfred Eisenstaedt](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alfred_Eisenstaedt), for *Life* magazine. Eisenstaedt, a German Jew who emigrated to the US in 1935, wrote of this image:
“He looked at me with hateful eyes and waited for me to wither. But I didn’t wither. If I have a camera in my hand, I don’t know fear.”
Goebbels was one of the most fanatical anti-Semites in the Nazi Party and as its chief propagandist, a major influence in the propagation of the Holocaust, which he publicly supported.
Hating people based on imagination rather than their actions towards us..
It seems to be a human characteristic that hasn’t gone away. We just took away a lot of its power by government action.
Likely a reason these kinds of people want a dictator so bad.
There was a review of the very exhaustive Longerich biography of him that said it was a hard read. Not because it was a bad book by any means, just that even by the low standards of top Nazis Goebbels stood out as an unremittingly horrible person.
He looks like Stephen Miller with hair.
Man they looked good for 1993 though
Dates are important
I can just hear the curb soundtrack playing!
he look so young in 1993…he is a vampire or what?
Reminds me of Smithers from the Simpsons
Kellyanne vibes!!!
And is that Gorka behind him?
Cool photo but this was definitely not taken in 1993
Every picture of this guy looks like a skull with skin grafted over it.
“Are we the baddies? Have you seen our boss?”
I read his diary and he probably was more anti-Jews than Hitler
1933 NOT 1993
Damn, Magda and the kids got cheated if Josef just lived on until the 90s!
His dick must’ve been micro af
Goebbels DEEZ NUTZ!!!!
Jim Halpert puts stapler in jello 2006 (colorized)

Whats worse than Nazis? Time traveling Nazis!
“He’s stealing my soul with his Jew magic camera” crazy the hate he’s projecting. Thinking to him self “I can’t wait to vaporize these things” Oof.
I cannot get over how much Stephen Miller and he look a like.
Goebbels looks at a photographer, a high ranking Nazi, after learning he’s Jewish (2013)
1993? OP must be a little high.
Goebbels looks like he is quite looking forward to having that guy for dinner
Unlikely. He died in 1945.
I see this pic and comment all the time. I’m sure the guy didn’t love Jews, but how do we get the story that he just found out that the photographer was Jewish? Seems made up to me.
>(1993) Josef Goebbels, a high-ranking Nazi
Wow, he was looking great for having been dead 48 years. I guess they just patched up the all the bullet holes from the evening of May 1, 1945. Was Magda still okay too?
1993? This is Grunge-Goebbels.
Im pretty sure Goebbels was dead for close to 50 years in 1993
How do you mess up the year that much?
He looks like Mr Burns somehow