1983- Still one of my favorite “bad-good” movies. If you know- you know. Liam Neeson and Robbie Coltrane in bit parts!!!
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1983- Still one of my favorite “bad-good” movies. If you know- you know. Liam Neeson and Robbie Coltrane in bit parts!!!
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It’s one of my all-time favorites too, and I still love the music and Princess Lyssa (Lysette Anthony).
Remember seeing it when it came out… a great movie. Of course the Cyclops always looked so freaky to me.
One of my favorites.
Todd Carty from Eastenders Fame as well
Favorite movie. Have family members named from it.
Ergo during the Cyclops farewell. “We had no time.” Damn good stuff.
and i had the atari 2600 game
I do know, I was there.
The Glaive!
Holy shit its KRULL!! fuck yeah OP
Agreed – I still to this day think about the spider and the hourglass bit AND that poor cyclops man 😖
So there’s a movie that I think is Krull but I don’t remember the name of it, and there’s a scene where they walk into maybe a castle and they pull out a big old block of stone and inside the wall is a whole other world that’s way farther down then it could be in the castle. Is it Krull or is it another movie? What is the name of it? Because I was eight when I saw it but I never got to finish it.
I just watched this not that long ago it still holds up.
For me personally, Krull is one of the most nostalgia inducing movies.
Great old school 80s fantasy flic.
Loved the reference in South Park when Jesus brandished the Glaive.
This was like a kids version of the shawshank redemption for me. Whenever it came on, even today, I’m gonna watch it to completion.
I freely admit, I paid money to go to the show to see it
I saw it twice in the movie theater when it came out. The second time I was completely alone.
That’s when I knew I was the smartest kid in town.
Fun video game as well.
Saw it at the theatre. Got the novelization from the Scholastic Book Club. It was years before I realized that was Eddington.
I saw this movie and I liked it very well.
The music is by the late James Horner -who also did the music for Star Trek II : The Wrath Of Khan and Battle Beyond The Stars.
Great movie for the time. D&D nerds dream movie. Expected every other Sword & Sorcery movie to be as good…but *nooooo*.
That scene with the Widow of the Web. Beautiful dialogue
The best orchestral score of any movie ever. Its a feckin musical masterpiece.
It’s a fun watch.
I was concerned that this movie was only real in my imagination. Also Ladyhawk and Excalibur. Excalibur had a great use of Carmina Burana.
Did you ever see Krull?
Yeah… you don’t need to see Krull
Ken Marshall is very underrated. Loved him in DS9, the chemistry between him and Sisko is fantastic.
“Bad-good movie?” This movie is so great it’s great.
What I should have said is, let’s give Krull a try…
I do hope you have indulged in the RiffTrax version of this film as well.
If you check out Adam Savage’s YouTube channel, he has a great video showcasing the original Glaive movie prop. The thing is truly a work of art. All machined brass and simply beautiful to look at. The video goes into deep detail about it.
His channel is really good overall. YouTube is a great fit for Savage.
Krull is the bomb, yo!
The most impressive part of this movie was that someone could use that weapon without slicing their fingers off.
I’m sorry, there is no “bad” part about this movie. Its fucking brilliant.
This would be one remake I would actually like to see. Chris Pratt as Prince Colwyn? Obviously Liam Neeson would at least make a cameo somewhere. Who else would you cast?
All hail Krull, and his glorious regime!
Sincerely, Little Girl
I was 12 and just old enough to walk to the theater with my friend to watch movies. That year we saw Krull, Metalstorm- the destruction of Jared-Syn, Timerider…… and we attempted to sit through what we thought was going to be a Kung Fu movie – The Seven Samurai. We left probably an hour in. We were idiots.
I recently watched Hawk the Slayer and it reminded me a lot of Krull, on both counts: Bad and good. The Rifftrax treatment of it (available on Tubi) is relentless.
My parents had a VHS with Krull and Legend (the Tim Curry / Tom Cruise one). Used to watch it all the time.
I was delighted the day I realized Reddington from DS9 was the same actor who played Colwyn (Ken Marshall).
Also love seeing an early Liam Neeson!
This came out when I was 8years old and it was the ultimate movie of the year for me and my friends. So many fantasy movies came out in a few year period around that era. The Beastmaster, Conan movies, The Dark Crystal Clash of the Titans, etc..
I think you meant to say “good-great” is what I think you meant to say.
There is an amazingly rare and unique pinball machine based on this movie. I think there are 11 in existence, it’s my white whale pinball cabinet.
The glaive was one of the first things I 3D printed!
Is this the one with the spider witch lady who was once beautiful and loved by the old guy?
I used to make my mom play the board game with me.