My friend’s mom bought one. Total POS from delivery. More than one oil leak, always smelled of hot antifreeze, would pull to one side when braking, windshield had a leak whenever it rained hard, driver’s window got stuck open. They would bring it to the dealer, but many of the problems were never fixed. I remember reading an article where they asked a Renault executive about their failure in the US. I searched and found part of it:
*We cannot blame anyone who swore they would never buy another Renault.*
*When we first sent our cars into this country we ran into a sad situation.*
*Our cars were not fully prepared to meet the high demands of America where sustained high speeds are normal, where a heavy foot with the clutch is normal, and where* ***people are not used to fixing their own cars.***
***More than a fair share of things went wrong with our cars. Less than a fair share of our dealers were equipped to deal with what went wrong.***
My grandpa had an one converted into electric it was called the lectric leopard. I remember dad saying it was on the gas pedal or off it . No in between.
My mom had a Renault. She bought it in West Germany when in the military. It was red with only a driver side rear mirror. The thing I most remember was throwing up in it once. Ahhh, memories.
I didn’t know that they sold it in the US. Renault is preparing an electric remake of this model for this year. I think they should go to conquer US with it they should name it “Renault l’E car”
My dad had one in the eighties, although around here were known as Renault 5 or R5, and it was a good car but with low tolerance to abuse. If you maintained it regularly and drove it carefully, it was reliable and economic.
I had a friend in college who drove one of these. When you shut off the AC it doubled the horsepower at the wheels, causing it to lurch forward and squeal the tires. You had to shut it off if you wanted to cross an intersection from a stop before the light changed, it had zero starting power with AC on. Pedestrians could beat you slow. Good times.
I dreamed an R5 Turbo once and instead of a glove box, it had those two like 4 inch crt 80’s style screens that showed info about the engine and the car
They’re not getting 39mpg with a surfboard sticking out like that?
Did they sell many of these in the US?
My mom had one, thats what I learned to drive standard transmission with!
My friend’s mom bought one. Total POS from delivery. More than one oil leak, always smelled of hot antifreeze, would pull to one side when braking, windshield had a leak whenever it rained hard, driver’s window got stuck open. They would bring it to the dealer, but many of the problems were never fixed. I remember reading an article where they asked a Renault executive about their failure in the US. I searched and found part of it:
*We cannot blame anyone who swore they would never buy another Renault.*
*When we first sent our cars into this country we ran into a sad situation.*
*Our cars were not fully prepared to meet the high demands of America where sustained high speeds are normal, where a heavy foot with the clutch is normal, and where* ***people are not used to fixing their own cars.***
***More than a fair share of things went wrong with our cars. Less than a fair share of our dealers were equipped to deal with what went wrong.***
All of them were recycled into La Tunacans.
In Québec during the 70’s every other car was a Renault 5!
My grandpa had an one converted into electric it was called the lectric leopard. I remember dad saying it was on the gas pedal or off it . No in between.
Bonjour, Le George!
I love that people often refer to these as “the Le Car”.
French for Yugo.
My mom had a Renault. She bought it in West Germany when in the military. It was red with only a driver side rear mirror. The thing I most remember was throwing up in it once. Ahhh, memories.
As a French I’m surprised it was also sold in the US and that they didn’t called it Renault 5 like in Europe
I wonder how much le gas fits inside le car
I didn’t know that they sold it in the US. Renault is preparing an electric remake of this model for this year. I think they should go to conquer US with it they should name it “Renault l’E car”
One of the best personal license plates I’ve ever come across was ‘Le Plate’ on a Le Car.
I always thought these were electric cars.
My friend had one. We called it the “Le Can”.
My first car, though mine was from 1979 and red.
My dad had one in the eighties, although around here were known as Renault 5 or R5, and it was a good car but with low tolerance to abuse. If you maintained it regularly and drove it carefully, it was reliable and economic.
I had a friend in college who drove one of these. When you shut off the AC it doubled the horsepower at the wheels, causing it to lurch forward and squeal the tires. You had to shut it off if you wanted to cross an intersection from a stop before the light changed, it had zero starting power with AC on. Pedestrians could beat you slow. Good times.
First thing to go is Le Brake
Le Lemon
“Le gas goes slowly, THE car doesn’t.” ???
The copywriter really fumbled halfway there. This is infuriating. I blame the stakeholder.
OMG, suddenly that rant of George Costanza makes even more sense.
Le stuff Le George in Le locker 🤣
It seems the turbo version was a death trap
If I remember correctly, this car was front wheel drive, but the engine was still mounted longitudinally. Weird.
I’m thinking that when it hits a certain speed, the amount of drag off that surfboard would flip the tiny car
I dreamed an R5 Turbo once and instead of a glove box, it had those two like 4 inch crt 80’s style screens that showed info about the engine and the car
Le Merde