Thursday, January 30All That Matters

1979 Gene Siskel Crapping All Over Apocalypse Now – “Big Disappointment”


  • Siskel is right. It’s underwhelmingly ended. The movie is an amazing masterpiece, absolutely, but it just missed the mark at the end. Big disappointment is the exact term to use.

    That was my opinion before I watched that clip. And it’s interesting to see Ebert saying “oh baloney” and that, friends, is what makes a movie great: The debate that rages on afterwards.

  • Those guys were hard as hell to please. They hated practically everything. Maybe their thing was “if I say it’s crap, they will want to go see it to prove me wrong”.

  • It’s art. Critics aren’t Right or Wrong. There is no objective measure of art, no matter how much the internet plague rats want you to think there is.

    Critics’ value comes from (hopefully) having some deeper insight into the medium, a breadth of knowledge to draw comparison from, and an engaging style of delivering their opinion. (Unfortunately most self-appointed critics are short on all 3)

    To compare them to another legendary Chicago duo, I consider Ebert to be the GOAT film critic, but he was even better when paired with Siskel, similar to Jordan and Pippen. They had deeper insight, were well educated, and made for a fun show to watch.

  • It’s easy to assume that obviously-classic movies were always recognised as such. I remember being disappointed by the reviews for *Apocalypse Now* when it first came out. It was a film I’d been looking forward to and the reviews that I’d managed to find (not many – this was pre-internet) were decidedly mixed. One review suggested walking out halfway through, at which point you’d have seen the best war movie ever made.

    When I saw the film for myself, it shook me up and I liked it a lot, but I still had a slight sense of dissatisfaction, of not knowing quite what to make of what I’d just watched. Some people I knew who also saw it at the time thought it was terrible.

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