Wednesday, October 9All That Matters

1968 Jerry Backstage

1968 Jerry Backstage

1968 Jerry Backstage

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  • aShittierShitTier4u

    Is that stack of beer his personal rider, or for the whole band and crew? The Blue Cheer was another bay area “acid rock” band from the time (named after a popular designer drug invented by the dead’s manager / dealer) , and each menber of the power trio received a whole ass case of Olde English 800 malt liquor upon arrival at their booked gig. This was great for the hippy concert promoters of that time and place, because they were all themselves drug dealers and burglars, so they could pay bands as much drugs and stolen alcohol as they felt comfortable with and capable of possessing. This abundance helped to spawn an incredible hippy rock scene. Psychedelic hippy bands like the Mad Rivers would wake up in the morning, go to the kitchen for breakfast, and award winning poets like Richard Brautigan, or award winning movie stars like Sam Shepard, would be delivering a truck load of freshly liberated groceries, courtesy of motivated members of the love generation, out to stick it to the man, by any means – sex, drugs, rock and roll, free food, free clothing, squat house communes, free health clinics, and everything else that the people demanded. They demanded too much from the bands eventually, however, so Jerry had to explain to the people, that freedom also had to include the freedom to not play guitar for the people constantly demanding that from him. But even after he died, there were still lots of people from the 1960s, who felt like he never played his guitar for them enough, when and where they demanded, or that he never played how they demanded of him, in the styles on the songs that they demanded that he played for them. But they never played their own guitar, or sang in their own microphone. They just demanded everyone else do what they say. Then they got really angry and formed cults and underground bomb groups, out for revenge on anyone who didn’t do like they told them.

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