1968. It shows then-Mayor Hans Tanzler and actress Lee Meredith installing a new Jacksonville City Limit sign.
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1968. It shows then-Mayor Hans Tanzler and actress Lee Meredith installing a new Jacksonville City Limit sign.
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Guys definitely peeking
Gentleman on the ground really appreciates that sign.
That old guy holding the ladder could die happy now.
Looks like Woody Hayes was vacationing in JAX and got an eyeful
Dude’s about to lose an eye
Her name should be Lee “red Ryder” Meredith cause those could Poke a eye out
There are three people in this picture. Only one is in the right place. And he’s just there “for safety”
Damn, son
Looks like she got city a city endowment
Bazooms in the face. Nice.
Look at that old bastard holding the ladder looking for a cheap peekaboo!
Am I the only one wondering where mayor “Hans” other hand is?
Old Coot down below looking upward toward heaven!
So, I just HAD to run her name through Google. I see that she is listed on the ‘Golden Throats’ Wiki page.
Don’t worry, it’s his sister.
Fun fact:
Niiiice beaver!
Thanks, I just had it stuffed!
It’s dinner time mr. Tanzler
“Nice beaver!”
“Thank you, I just had it stuffed.”
She’s proud of her girls .
Homeboy about to lose an eye.
Girl – “You want bold…how about these!”
That dude holding the ladder is 100% checking out the beav
Grandpa’s got a great view back there
I am unable to read the word “Jacksonville” in any context without hearing it in my head the way Jason Mendoza pronounces it.
She is about to cause that poor gentleman to lose an eye!!

He definitely saw the bold south
Where the mayor’s other hand?
Shameless dirty old man doing his thing
Grandpa, tell me the story about when you held the ladder for Lee Meredith……….
Old boy had the best view, lol.
Careful you’ll poke an eye out
wasn’t sure whether to comment on the guy getting stabbed in the face with the boob or the guy getting the look of his life.
Classy Florida!
“Jacksonville Titty Limit”
Easily one of the top 10 swamp cities in N FLA.
… when you’re in danger of turning your head too quickly & having your eye put out! ( & the old ‘perv’ holding the ladder will prolly remember what he’s seeing when he’s on his death bed…!)
When your wife is watching and you’re too terrified to turn your head.