Man, Inchon was no joke. IIRC it was the largest amphibious assault in history other than D-Day and maybe one other World War II landing. Few today realize just how MASSIVE the Korean War truly was and the impact it had. Hopefully he came through it okay, I know a number of fellas got really bad PTSD from their time on that peninsula.
notice your Dad’s Liberty Cuffs? (his uniform cuff is rolled up with hidden embroidery under it) Mad Dad was in the Navy then too, but an Electronic Technician on a Destroyer
My dad was a corpsman and he worked on a troop transport for the army, said they pulled into Inchon and they announced the armistice while they were still on the boat. He was 19 years old.
I find it funny that Incheon wasn’t even the intended spot; geographically it’s horrible for an amphibious landing, with a ton of narrow channels and an unforgiving tidal system. General Oliver P. Smith preferred Posung-Myon, a site twenty miles south that would’ve been much easier to land at. Still, the Marines did what Marines do best, and “sprouted legs” upon reaching the beaches and quickly took the city.
I work with Seabees stateside every day as a contractor. They are mostly management types now but it’s cool to here their stories. Your dad looks like a great guy no wonder your mom appears so happy!
For those who don’t know, a “Seabee” is a member of a Construction Battallion – they build and repair airfields, docks, hospitals and all kinds of other things – sometimes working under enemy fire.
Man, Inchon was no joke. IIRC it was the largest amphibious assault in history other than D-Day and maybe one other World War II landing. Few today realize just how MASSIVE the Korean War truly was and the impact it had. Hopefully he came through it okay, I know a number of fellas got really bad PTSD from their time on that peninsula.
Colored/Enhanced/Color corrected
Your mother was gorgeous.
I don’t suppose you were made that week?
notice your Dad’s Liberty Cuffs? (his uniform cuff is rolled up with hidden embroidery under it) Mad Dad was in the Navy then too, but an Electronic Technician on a Destroyer
Salute! ⚓️🇺🇸
Seabee’s CAN DO!
I bet they spent a lot of time indoors the week before he set sail! 😊
Wow, your dad looks like a Norman Rockwell character with that big grin.
wow,mom was a total fox
Can i save this picture?
Seabee’s can do
My grandfather was a SeaBee in Korea
My dad was a corpsman and he worked on a troop transport for the army, said they pulled into Inchon and they announced the armistice while they were still on the boat. He was 19 years old.
Seems pretty perfect.
Omg they’re such an adorable couple
I find it funny that Incheon wasn’t even the intended spot; geographically it’s horrible for an amphibious landing, with a ton of narrow channels and an unforgiving tidal system. General Oliver P. Smith preferred Posung-Myon, a site twenty miles south that would’ve been much easier to land at. Still, the Marines did what Marines do best, and “sprouted legs” upon reaching the beaches and quickly took the city.
Your dad resembles a young Andy Griffith.

I remember that guy from all those MAD Magazine covers!
She’s so beautiful
My dad was a Seabee in Korea. What unit was he in. My Dad was in CBMU 1 & CBMU 101
Can do!
Wonderful photo.
I work with Seabees stateside every day as a contractor. They are mostly management types now but it’s cool to here their stories. Your dad looks like a great guy no wonder your mom appears so happy!
Your Dad had to be so young, yet he looks much older than todays soldiers. Weird how old people back in the day looked.
Got his liberty cuffs, the embroidery on the cuffs of his jumper sleeves. True old school Navy!
Your mom is lovely.
For those who don’t know, a “Seabee” is a member of a Construction Battallion – they build and repair airfields, docks, hospitals and all kinds of other things – sometimes working under enemy fire.
My Dad, The Chief, was in then too. Radioman when that was still a rate. “Sparks”.
Beautiful couple. I hope they had long and happy lives together.