1903 photo of American theater & silent film actress Maude Fealy (1883-1971)
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1903 photo of American theater & silent film actress Maude Fealy (1883-1971)
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I wonder if in a past life I lived in this time period, because I find the ladies styles from then to be extremely attractive.
There’s a waifishness to this era’s actresses that was exploited to sell them to audiences as childlike and vulnerable. A lot of them *were* very young, and many were just girls who fled from the country to the “big city” and were preyed upon by “talent scouts” and men looking to keep the increasingly risqué popular entertainment stocked with youthful starlets.
It was a very dicey time for pretty, young women. The sad part is that many fled a bad situation at home, only to find a worse one in the entertainment centers.
lul, I knew AI wont disappoint me with this one.
Depending on which article you read, either Maude Fealy or Maude Adams was the inspiration for Elise McKenna in “Somewhere in Time.”
This picture was taken for the 1902 play “The Cardinal”, featuring Edward Smith Willard in the cast.