1870s – My 4th great grandmother Barbara with her ever-present corncob pipe [OC]
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1870s – My 4th great grandmother Barbara with her ever-present corncob pipe [OC]
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She is a badass!
40 years old in that picture
That’s the look of ‘I’ve seen it all’. Great picture!
Let me guess, she was in her 20’s in that photo?
“Fuck with me, I dare you”
*takes toke*
She seemed strong for sure.
Now THAT is cool.
Sometimes I wish we could go back to when smoking was accepted, I don’t get this longevity nonsense, doesn’t seem things will be any better anytime soon, and I bet cigarettes make a big comeback once war starts…anyway, happy holidays.
It’s wild to think that the US president when she was born… was George Washington.
She knew what was in the basement of the Alamo.
Granny Barb was a baddie!!
Cool photo.
The matriarch of cool
She’s probably 33 years old here. Times were different!
I bet this lady could set broken bones, make her own whisky, and was a crack shot with a gun.