July 25, 2022 by maltiepootietang 14 year old Joe Pesci, 1957 [ad_2] View Reddit by maltiepootietang – View Source
Disturbingly tiny feet in this pic. Or maybe it’s an illusion cuz of the big pants or perspective play. Either way, eerie. July 25, 2022 at 4:17 pm Reply
He could make your shoes look like fuckin’ mirrors. Made a lot of money too. July 25, 2022 at 4:33 pm Reply
Everything was going fine at his first recital but then when Little Billy yelled out, “you suck,” young Joe beat him senseless with his guitar. July 25, 2022 at 5:01 pm Reply
Wonder what that Gibson is worth today? Also, impressive Pesci went from rock n roll to hip hop. I’m not making that up, btw. July 25, 2022 at 5:16 pm Reply
This guy, he used to shine shoes till they were like Mirrors! ​ GO GET YOUR FUCKING SHINE BOX! July 25, 2022 at 5:32 pm Reply
Looks like a 55 ES-150. You can still find playable examples for under $2500. July 25, 2022 at 5:44 pm Reply
Even at 14, he looks 30
“Oh yeah… I guess I am”
He was born with that haircut.
What a yout.
Nice guitfiddle Joe!
Gibson ES150…maybe?
He has a big head! And tiny feet.
He never grew from there.
He looks older than me and I’m 24
Little Joe Sure Can Sing!
Where’s his shine box?
Disturbingly tiny feet in this pic. Or maybe it’s an illusion cuz of the big pants or perspective play. Either way, eerie.
That’s a full grown man named geppetto
Fear him
He could make your shoes look like fuckin’ mirrors. Made a lot of money too.
Jersey Boy.
Playing an F major chord, folkzzz
legend has it he was singing the song *Shine Box*
Little Joe Sure Can Sing
His head is fully grown!
Extremly r/confiusingperspective
Looks like a 40 year-old folk singing woman
Everything was going fine at his first recital but then when Little Billy yelled out, “you suck,” young Joe beat him senseless with his guitar.
Snakes? Snakes, snakes. I don’t know no Snakes
Get your fuckin’ shine box!
He’s a yoot.
Ohhh! Look at the little gabagool!
*pinches and slaps cheek*
Wonder what that Gibson is worth today?
Also, impressive Pesci went from rock n roll to hip hop. I’m not making that up, btw.
He looks like Wayne Newton.
He’s like Tiny but somehow a giant at the same time
He’s a yute…
This guy, he used to shine shoes till they were like Mirrors!
Looks like a 55 ES-150. You can still find playable examples for under $2500.
He looks like 14yo Wayne Newton.