Lucky kid. He can fight in WW1 at 18, lose everything as a 32 year old in the 1929 stock market crash, see war again in his mid forties during WW2, and still miss the 1969 moon landing because there’s no way anyone working a coal mining job at 11 is making it to their seventies. 1897 might be the least cool year to be born.
This isn’t cool, it’s just child abuse. That kid had his youth stolen from him for cheap labour. Something Republican politicians are bringing back in red states.
Look all the righteous folks here posting angrily about child/slave labor from their child/slave labor-created cellphones. As Mike Tyson would say, “The ironing is delicious”.
That looks like economic prosperity to me! The American dream made manifest. Think this kid is productive member of the workforce, I mean society. He is clearly working hard generating profit for his owner, I mean employer, I mean himself, and his family of course. Think of the opportunities afforded to this child for his brave and commendable decision to join the workforce; the owner of the company will be hoarding enough money to have dramatically outsize influence over government officials I mean, the family of the owner will live lives of privilege and luxury never known to this child I mean, this child will be able to go home to his family after long hard work days with pocket change that will be barely enough to stave off starvation!
This is the economic prosperity that republicans want for America, that’s why they are doing the lords work of repealing child labor laws, to make America great again with child labor like this. Think of how many Americans will benefit from a return to these good old days of nine year old workers working forty hours a week! Think of how much money the rich people will be making and keeping for themselves, if they can take away not only education for children but their whole childhoods too! If they were working instead of playing or learning, there would be so much more money in the hands of billionaires! The very definition of republican economic success! It’s things like this that warm my heart at night.
Or soon to be Arkansas minor, miner.
I’m not sure I’d classify an 11-year old mine worker as “cool”.
What’s that thing on his hat?
What was the life expectancy rate for male in 1908?
See kids today are just lazy
He’s so cool. Kids today have it easy. /s
Coming soon to a red state near you…

Lucky kid. He can fight in WW1 at 18, lose everything as a 32 year old in the 1929 stock market crash, see war again in his mid forties during WW2, and still miss the 1969 moon landing because there’s no way anyone working a coal mining job at 11 is making it to their seventies. 1897 might be the least cool year to be born.
That kid grew up knowing the value of hard work. And black lung.
Damn, even his cigs are all dirty.
To think the UK banned child labour in 1833 yet it was still legal in America in the 20th century.
Shot on iPhone 13 Pro Max
Time for a smoke and a shot of firewater
“I know 11 year olds who worked the mines and they’re still happily married”
And people are complaining about the kids who were working at McDonald’s recently 🙄 hahaha jk child labor was crazy back then
Surely if he worked hard, he definitely was able to pull himself by his bootstraps
Damn, I bet that poor kids body was used up and broken before he hit 30.
Sarah Hucklebee’s true come true.
GOP members in a yellow suit peeking from behind a tree…
I started doing diesel truck oil changes at about that age. That’s roughly what I looked like at the end of the day.
Fucking Repost
They just found a 10 year old at 2am working at McDonald’s
“Children yearn for the mines.” – The modern GOP
Just think this is a modern picture in Arkansas thanks to Sarah Huckabee sanders
Correction. He is 52.
GOP economic porn
You sure that isn’t a 10 yr old McDonald’s employee on the fryer shift?
About to go clock in at McDonald’s
This isn’t cool, it’s just child abuse. That kid had his youth stolen from him for cheap labour. Something Republican politicians are bringing back in red states.
America’s future under republican ‘leadership’
I am sure he died of Black Lung by 35. Republican goals. “Yeah, no need for Social Security anymore.”
OG Minecraft.
Got his Sunday best on.
Nothing cool about child labor.
There’s nothing cool about this photo.
Look all the righteous folks here posting angrily about child/slave labor from their child/slave labor-created cellphones. As Mike Tyson would say, “The ironing is delicious”.
arKlansas, 2023.
Is he from Iowa?
Or as Sarah Huckabee Sanders calls it, the good ol days
Gonna show this to my 12 year old. He’s slackin
At least he got paid unlike the 10 year olds they found working at McDonalds.
This looks a little AI? 🤔
They yearn for the mines!
And nowadays kids complain they have to do some light chores….
You can also go to a MC Donalds to find a 10 years working nowadays… The US is a 3rd world country, with a few multimillionaires
That looks like economic prosperity to me! The American dream made manifest. Think this kid is productive member of the workforce, I mean society. He is clearly working hard generating profit for his owner, I mean employer, I mean himself, and his family of course. Think of the opportunities afforded to this child for his brave and commendable decision to join the workforce; the owner of the company will be hoarding enough money to have dramatically outsize influence over government officials I mean, the family of the owner will live lives of privilege and luxury never known to this child I mean, this child will be able to go home to his family after long hard work days with pocket change that will be barely enough to stave off starvation!
This is the economic prosperity that republicans want for America, that’s why they are doing the lords work of repealing child labor laws, to make America great again with child labor like this. Think of how many Americans will benefit from a return to these good old days of nine year old workers working forty hours a week! Think of how much money the rich people will be making and keeping for themselves, if they can take away not only education for children but their whole childhoods too! If they were working instead of playing or learning, there would be so much more money in the hands of billionaires! The very definition of republican economic success! It’s things like this that warm my heart at night.
This is the future conservatives want. Literally
Old? Yes. Cool? Definitely not. Probably no school involved either.