10,000 mirrors using light to melt salt to generate electricity at Crescent Dunes, Nevada
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10,000 mirrors using light to melt salt to generate electricity at Crescent Dunes, Nevada
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Is this where they based Helios One in New Vegas?
They are also pretty amazing at vaporizing birds
Looks like some orbital laser is gonna shoot out of this thing, it looks super cool tho
Where’s Scaramanga ?
Does it produce more output as the same area of solar panels?
SimCity2000 vibes.
Spent $975 million to built the solar thermal plant, only to find out a few years later that it’s cheaper to run solar panels. Currently the plant is shut down and is planning to be scrapped
Nice to see Scalding Spear as it was before Zero Day.
Didn’t it fail?
That’s actually the charging facility for a giant space laser.
The New California Republic has entered the chat.
Unfortunately the cost of operation was too high to be economically viable
Can someone quickly explain how this works? The molten salt then boils water and the steam spins turbines?
If they pave the Sahara Desert with these they can get enough Astrophage to fly to Tau Ceti and save Earth.
They asked me how well I understood theoretical physics. I said I had a theoretical degree in physics.
Fun fact:
Melting about 70,000,000 pounds (32,000,000 kg) of salt took two months. Once melted, the salt stays melted for the life of the plant and is cycled through the receiver for reheating.
I believe this is used on a map in battlefield 2042
It’s really quite something to see. You know you’re getting close to Vegas on your trip from Los Angeles [when you see these off](https://www.google.com/maps/@35.4695546,-115.441487,2585a,35y,0.17h,68.36t/data=!3m1!1e3) in the distance as you come off the hill into the Fruit Inspection station. It’s hard to grasp their size.
You can see them off on the left in [this streetview](https://www.google.com/maps/@35.4744454,-115.4483552,3a,75y,27.73h,80.44t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sKDD6mZ8XK9rpfTqb9n2iUQ!2e0!7i16384!8i8192)
The future generations thought we worshiped here. But we were just trying to power our gaming systems.
Hmmmm. Let’s just use mirrors to make heat to make energy. No greenhouse gas byproduct or whatever English is needed to articulate my thoughts.
It’s killing thousands of birds. Literally frying them as the fly close.
These mirrors burn birds right out of mid air.
This is cool although the electricity it produces costs 4 times that of a similar photovoltaic farm. This tech is different in that it can store energy and dispatch during dark hours.
That’s some StarCraft looking shit right there. So cool
The eye of Sauron
Why is it that every time this comes up, they talk about this failed plant in the US rather than the successful plants in other countries?
If we ever need to destroy it, Matthew McConaughey and Steve Zahn have experience.
This project failed bcuz of highe maintenance cost
All this technology and it’s still just a steam engine.
This project is an absolute failure, first by falling far below expected output and then lost when molten salt leaked out of an underground storage tank and then solidified.
Brightest dickest
Huh, I always thought these were closed loops just ultra heating water. Didn’t know they were melting salt.
I see these when flying over the area they are amazingly bright and hard to look at!
So if I was to toss my hot pocket up there, how quickly would it be ready
1. Send the power to The Strip.
2. Send the power to the tribes around the Strip.
3. Send the power to both.
4. Make it into a weapon.
I always wished I could pick (4) without angering the NCR.
You can’t fool me. They are trying to activate Archimedes.
Scalding Spear
I need someone to explain “melt salt to generate electricity” to me
Do NOT stare at these things as you drive past them on the 15, no matter how baller sci-fi they may appear or how much of an engineering geek you may be. You’ll go totally road-blind for several seconds. This is with your sunglasses on and your eyes completely adjusted to desert driving. And if you’re an endangered lizard, steer clear. OP’s photo isn’t a night photo.
I sure hope the NCR isn’t occupying that
… and blind drivers on nearby freeway.
This appears in Horizon Forbidden West, a tribe now live in it.
We’ve driven by here before. You’d be surprised how bright it is. It won’t blind you necessarily, but it sure shines brightly.
You will remember the night you were struck by the sight of, 10,000 mirrors in the air?
So they asked me if I had a degree in theoretical physics and I told them I have a theoretical degree in physics and they said welcome aboard.
My favorite part about his plant is its similarities to nuclear power. At the end of the day, it’s all about boiling water, and turning a turbine.
Crazy stuff!