10 days into November before the cold got them.
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10 days into November before the cold got them.
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Insects are definitely taking advantage of the unseasonably warm weather, especially those freakin’ stink bugs.
What are these? We have some that look similar all around our house, we leave them be because no one has ever been stung and this year we have a big nest in the front doorway so we pass right by them multiple times a day.
If you are cold, they are cold. Bring them inside !
Fall has been crazy this year. 80 in VA yesterday, 48 today xD
And just 3 days away from retirement too
What the hell. Never saw wasps that yellow.
Pieces of shit
Rest in piss you fucks, now where’d I put that blowtorch…
They should’ve put on some jackets.
Good, fuck them
The Asian lady beetles are wild. My porch is like a warzone.
Finally. Little pricks.
This may be a stupid question… Are they dead or will they revive when the temperature is suitable?
It’s giving The Shining vibes for those who have read the book.

Yes. I was finally able to trim my shrubs
I got stung by one two days ago ughh
Was at a job on an old house to install rads on monday and some of the hornets were still alive, making for some tense moments where they fly at your face before faceplanting the window. I may be back there in a week or 2 so I’ll see if they’re still alive then.
(For those who will ask, the nest is at the top of the chimney so when an exterminator was called he took one look and said its too high before promptly leaving. So we’re just letting the weather do its thing)
Deserved. Those fuckers suck.
I feel bad, for hornets?.. huh
They’ll be missed.
edit: /s

This is my favorite picture on the Internet right now.
Dude I literally just got stung last night, in my living room while watching football. Haven’t seen a yellowjacket/bee/wasp at all this summer, let alone ever in my house and sure enough I feel something on my hand and then BOOM. I’m just like wtf it’s november how are you still alive.
r/fuckwasps will love this.

Fuck em!
This is where climate change gets scary. When there is no more die-off of pests that blight food crops well see a collapse of agriculture in regions. Plus, if it’s warmer, insects can move into areas that were previously too cold for them, and might not encounter any predators.
My friends and I were staying at a cabin in the winter and added too much wood to the iron stove they had inside for warmth.
Well it got warm!
So warm that we discovered it acted as a wake up call to hundreds of flies hibernating in the wood of thr cabin. There was a cloud of flies buzzing around the ceiling.
Come morning, after turning off the stove, the floor was a carpet of dead, frozen flies.
Bit of a buzzkill isn’t it
As pesky as they are, they play a vital role…..in pissing off my wife
I had a small red dragon fly land on me by our pond today.
Lady Bugs eat other bugs so they will bite.
Fuck, my anxiety is through the roof rn.
Good, fuck those wasps
You know, when you forget your lifelong prejudice and look at wasps for what the really are, they’re actually very beautiful.
I don’t like wasps.
Too bad it didn’t kill literally all of them.
Albeit absolute Bastards, they are captivatingly stunning