Wednesday, October 9All That Matters

0:16 / 1:03 Make your own call: Ashton Kutcher, Mila Kunis speak out about Danny Masterson character letters

0:16 / 1:03 Make your own call: Ashton Kutcher, Mila Kunis speak out about Danny Masterson character letters

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  • Dewey_Fonzarelli

    He raped and raped and raped and raped and raped and raped some more and these fools wrote letters of support. Their mea culpa moment and lack of valid reasons for doing so don’t cut it. …..


    Regardless of their reasoning its just not a good look. I mean, they should have just refused his parents request. Yes you’ve known him 25 years but again, is that 25 years of looking away or what was kept secret from you? Masterson sowed seeds of distrust and maliciousness and those bloomed though unforgivable acts.

    Danny Masterson is a rapist and he deserves everything that has come to him to this point. He can rot in prison.

  • KANEDA258

    I dont really know whats going on with this situation but i noticed its really easy to tell when celebs are trying to appear down to earth lmao, all of a suddem their videos get youtube vlogger quality and they look like they just woke up and dressed like theyre about to do yardwork or something. Maybe its just the contrast from how they usually look but it seems manufactured to me

  • bonghamton

    Their PR person:

    “Record the video right after you wake up so you look like peasants. They will feel closer to you. Also don’t film it in front of your multi million $$$ mansion’s patio, pick a random old ass wall in a forgotten corner”

  • DarkHelmet1976

    I think Kutcher/Kunis are in a brutally difficult position and I can imagine how hard it is to reconcile the place a loved friend holds in your life with new information that comes to light.

    The questions I’d love for them to answer are:

    “Do you believe Danny raped these women?”

    If yes, “Why would you advocate for him to have a lighter sentence?”

    I think there are actually reasonable answers to the second question, but so far all I’ve heard is “because his parents asked us to” and to me that’s not a defensible explanation.

  • Moody_GenX

    I don’t understand how they could bring themselves to do that and make excuses afterward. If my best friend that I’ve known for 35 years now had raped multiple women, the last thing I’d do is write a letter of support. Fuck that.

  • rainkloud

    This is how the system does and should work. Whatever his crimes were it does not erase the other things, good or bad, that he’s done. In order for the judge to make the best sentencing possible they need accurate information and it sounds like that’s what Kutcher and Kunis did.

    It’s especially important given that these crimes occurred around 20 years ago, there were no witnesses, no toxicology, some of the accusers’ testimony was dubious at times, and a previous jury was deadlocked 10-2 on one count, 8-4 on another and 7-5 on a third.* It is entirely possible that in reality he was guilty of 2 or 1 of these or perhaps guilty of lesser crimes in those cases. It is for this reason that the character letters are critical in tempering a possible miscarriage of justice. The judge ended up giving him the maximum sentence which seems odd given the lack of compelling evidence, at least as far as I’ve seen.

    *On the flip side, it is also possible that he is guilty, in the fullest, not only of the crimes he was convicted of but also of those he was accused of committing, but was not charged with due to apparent lack of evidence and statute limitations. Additionally there could also be even more victims than we are aware of if some of them never decided to come forward.

  • simward

    Man for the past few months Reddit has really gone hard on torches and pitchforks. Character letters are a normal process of sentencing. Danny never hurt them it seems and they are simply explaining the relationship they had.

    A 5 second google search on a character letter turned up this : :[,have%20known%20him%20since%20childhood](,have%20known%20him%20since%20childhood).


    >Your letter should contain specific details of your relationship with the defendant. You can most effectively express yourself if your letter not only states your opinion, but also explains why you hold that opinion. It is often very helpful to give specific examples of things the defendant has done or ways he or she has handled difficult situations that have led you to think well of him/her. Anecdotes can provide the judge with a lot of insight into who the defendant is. Don’t be afraid to tell your favorite stories about the defendant or describe your fondest memories of your interactions with him/her.

    This place is turning into twitter 2.0 with this reactionary bullshit hate

    Also this is the most important little tidbit about character letters :

    >Most importantly, you do not need to ignore the fact that the defendant has committed a crime. In fact, given that your letter will most often be used at a sentencing hearing, your letter should not try to assert the defendant’s innocence.

  • Liquid-Hot_Smegma

    Did they send these letters under the assumption they couldn’t be shared publicly? I assume they have agents. Surely they would have told them the potential backlash from supporting this assbag?

  • ashid0

    Hey I love how empty gestures solve everything. You can just make a face, say ‘my heart goes out to all the victims’ and people will really think that you can’t get out of bed because you’re so devastated by all the evil going on because you’re clearly such a beautiful soul and you’re doing your best to heal the world.

  • Petdogdavid1

    It would be so nice and tidy if villains were just one shade of black but more often than not they are family, friends and loved ones.

  • PurpleTechPants

    “I’m aware that the judgement has been cast as guilty on two counts of rape by force.” Also: “I do not believe he is an ongoing harm to society and having his daughter raised without a present father would a tertiary injustice in and of itself.” – Ashton Kutcher, in his [letter](

    If you’re going with the “he was a great guy when he wasn’t out raping!” gushing character reference, you could at least avoid the “think of the people he’s not raping!” defense, but apparently not.

  • schafs

    As stated the letters are intended to show the type of person they have known for 25 years.

    I had a teacher in high school that raped his 2 nephews in the 70s he went to trial after the year 2000 and the judge let him off because he led an exemplary life mentoring young people. I was friends with his kids plays on sports teams with them, was coached by this man and had sleep overs there with his son throughout the entire 90s while having no clue he had done these atrocious acts to his own family members. Had you asked me to write a letter for him on how I was treated I would have been honest, he was a great teacher and never did anything to me becaue thats all knew of him.

  • You-Once-Commented

    Maybe the best thing to do, is to not put people who pretend to be other people on tv on a pedestal. Maybe who cares what people you don’t know did. Maybe i should get off reddit before i begin to care about any of this.

  • Andromansis

    I don’t know, specifically, what they wrote, but the dude got the maximum sentence so obviously the judge didn’t find it persuasive enough to shorten the sentence by even one day. This is important to note because of exactly how persuasive of a speaker each of these two are.

  • rellsell

    I think they wrote letters to the judge for a friend and didn’t expect them to be released to the public. Now that they have been released, they are doing damage control.

  • NerfShields

    You could be my best friend. You could be my brother. If you were convicted via irrefutable evidence that you are a violent rapist, you’re not getting a character letter form me.

    It doesn’t matter how much I like you. If you do horrible things like that and it’s confirmed, you’re done. You deserve to rot and burn. I am not writing in support of you.

  • BlarneyBlackfyre

    If people forgot that the entire Mormon Church wrote character references for Ted fucking Bundy then they’ll forget about this as well

  • AmazingSibylle

    Pressured by scientology influence in the industry and their personal lives?

    What a garbage ‘apology’, what a garbage way of handling themselves…

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