Monday, March 17All That Matters

・・・・・・・・・ — スライド [Shoegaze / Japanese Idol] (2017)

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  • **・・・・・・・・・**
    [artist pic](

    > ・・・・・・・・・ is a Japanese shoegaze idol group. It consists of nine members, each known only as「・」who were selected from auditions held in Tokyo, Japan in April 2016. Other than the nine middle dots, they’re also known as Dots (ドッツ) or Dots Tokyo (ドッツ東京 / ドッツトウキョウ). Other names fans have called them include dotstokyo (ドッツトーキョー), dotnine, tenkyuu (てんきゅー, “nine dots”), nakaguro (中黒, “middle dot”), tententen (てんてんてん, “dotdotdot”), and ten-chan (てんちゃん, “dot-chan”). There isn’t an official pronunciation, although their official homepage and Twitter handle are versions of “Dots Tokyo.”

    > The group’s music debut was しゅわしゅわEP, a three-song EP released January 9, 2017 via OTOTOY. It was also available on CD-R which included 3 bonus tracks – versions of the 3 songs featuring 初音ミク on vocals instead.

    > On August 16, 2017, they will release CD, which is a single 72-minute-long work titled “Tokyo.” “Tokyo” is comprised of the following pieces: “Tokyo1, Tokyo2, Tokyo3, Tokyo4,” “スライド,” “トリニティダイブ,” and “ねぇ.” “Tokyo1, Tokyo2, Tokyo3, Tokyo4” was composed by ・・・・・・・・・ with Hakobune, who also mixed and mastered it. The lyrics, composition, and arrangement of “スライド” was handled by 管梓 (For Tracy Hyde).

    > Their official homepage can be visited at They also have a Twitter at and a YouTube channel to which vlogs are uploaded daily at Read more on

    [](・・・・・・・・・): 1,119 listeners, 27,393 plays
    tags: *shoegaze, idol, j-pop, japanese, dream pop*

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