Formed in late 2019, an independent rock unit composed of four university students based in Sapporo. Most of their 7 songs so far have a strong melancholic vibe.
The song being covered is 残響散歌 from Aimer’s latest single. The song was used as the opening theme for the latest anime season of the popular series 鬼滅の刃 (Kimetsu no Yaiba). From 0:21 to 1:20
**pastel soda** – Only performed live so far. Currently only available if you purchase a download card directly from the band (see below).
*You can purchase from RecoChoku easily enough from overseas. They accept foreign credit cards–you just have to use a VPN to get a Japanese IP address (before trying to check out).
Download card with “累” and “pastel soda” for 500 yen:
If you buy the DL card and a can badge or two, the shipping would just be 84 yen (if using a domestic forwarding address). A direct international shipment would probably be 2,400 yen to the US. Use a forwarding service and order some other stuff while you’re at it to make the per-item shipping cost less unappealing. DM (the band) on Twitter for details. You can pay via PayPal or ask a friend in Japan to do a bank transfer.
Lastly, please support them in the 夢カナYell Music Contest 2022. They entered with their song “No.i”.
Register, vote once per day, and listen on YouTube.
Lyrics in description.
About メリクレット (Melikret):
Formed in late 2019, an independent rock unit composed of four university students based in Sapporo. Most of their 7 songs so far have a strong melancholic vibe.
The members:
**ちぺ** – Female, lead vocals and guitar. Very talented. Her voice’s natural pitch isn’t too high or low, and she has good range. 1-minute live clip:
The song being covered is 残響散歌 from Aimer’s latest single. The song was used as the opening theme for the latest anime season of the popular series 鬼滅の刃 (Kimetsu no Yaiba). From 0:21 to 1:20
Live clip of one of their songs, “No.i”
**レニア** – Male, guitar. Main composer and lyricist and handles production as well.
**Meg** – Female, drums and chorus.
**斗輝** – Male, bass. Joined in December of 2021.
Their songs so far:
**カルミア** – Their first song. Lyric video
Available on several streaming and DL services. Purchase: *
**夜送曲** – On YouTube only. Music/lyric video
**No.i** – Lyric video
Available on several streaming and DL services. Purchase: *
**Lupinus** – Music video
Available on several streaming and DL services. Purchase: *
**ソレム** – Music video
Available on several streaming and DL services. *
**累** – Only published on Eggs. Currently only available if you purchase a download card directly from the band (see below).
**pastel soda** – Only performed live so far. Currently only available if you purchase a download card directly from the band (see below).
*You can purchase from RecoChoku easily enough from overseas. They accept foreign credit cards–you just have to use a VPN to get a Japanese IP address (before trying to check out).
Download card with “累” and “pastel soda” for 500 yen:
They are also selling a can badge for 200 yen:
If you buy the DL card and a can badge or two, the shipping would just be 84 yen (if using a domestic forwarding address). A direct international shipment would probably be 2,400 yen to the US. Use a forwarding service and order some other stuff while you’re at it to make the per-item shipping cost less unappealing. DM (the band) on Twitter for details. You can pay via PayPal or ask a friend in Japan to do a bank transfer.
Lastly, please support them in the 夢カナYell Music Contest 2022. They entered with their song “No.i”.
Register, vote once per day, and listen on YouTube.
(Please excuse the intro/outro that the contest host added. Time-stamped to skip the intro.)